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Since 1968


Employee Development

Enhance the Performance of Your Current Employees

The Winslow Report Concept

employee_development_1.jpgImproving personnel performance is an ongoing challenge to managers nationwide. Winslow Research Institute developed an innovative Employee Development Program to meet that challenge. The program complements management skill by preparing reports on the behavior and attitudes of employees, based on the results of assessment instruments. The Winslow Reports provide immediate and accurate insight into the characteristics that influence the success of your organization.

Research proves when employees fail in their positions, in more than 90% of the cases the failures are directly attributed to some aspect of human behavior. Individuals do not usually fail because they lack education, experience, training, or skills. They fail because their personality and behavior is not compatible to the behavioral requirements of their particular positions.
The Winslow Employee Development Reports will provide valuable insight into why some employees are functioning successfully and why others are performing unsatisfactorily. The Reports enable employees to capitalize on their personality assets and control behaviors that are limiting or preventing success in their positions. This proven program is a valuable aid in achieving and maintaining optimum personnel performance.

The Winslow Internet Assessment System

employee_development_2.jpgThe Winslow Employee Development Program is an Internet-based system to enhance the performance of all your current employees. The Winslow Profile measures the personality, behavior and attitudes of your employees. The Winslow Reports provide feedback on the employee's behavior compared to the behavioral requirements for their specific position. This user-friendly system enables management to administer their assessment activity and have total control over the process. One or preferably two employees of the organization will be trained to serve as Winslow Reports Administrators. In just a few hours, they will become competent Internet Webmasters. For a nominal additional fee, they can receive more comprehensive training and become Winslow Profiles Certified. Following are the procedures, features, functions and components of the Internet Assessment System.

Private Winslow Website: at no cost to your organization, a secure Internet Website will be created and available to your organization.

Position Analyses: the first step is to conduct informal or formal position analyses to identify the behavioral requirements for the positions of your participating employees. A Certified Consultant can conduct the analyses via telephone with the managers on your staff most familiar with each position.

Assessment System and Process

The Employee Development Program is a user-friendly four step process.

1.   Purchase Assessment Passwords: The Winslow Internet System enables you to purchase Profile Passwords electronically using a bank account or any credit card. Discounts are offered when quantities of Passwords are purchased. When purchases are made, the Passwords are immediately placed in your "Available Passwords" account. 
2.   Activate Profile Passwords for the Employees: The "Activate Assessment Password" function on the System enables you to activate passwords for your participants. Basic information is entered to identify the Participant and the appropriate PCS Position of the employee is selected. The System sends a form to the printer with the participant's name, password and directions for completing the Profile. If desired, the system will email the Password and directions to the participants.
3.   Employee Completes The Assessment Profile: The Winslow Profile takes less than one hour to complete and contains special assessment validity control questions. These controls detect individuals who have reading or comprehension difficulties, as well as those who intentionally positively bias or unintentionally exaggerate their answers. The System will not produce a Report when answers are invalid. Approximately 30% of your employees will have positively biased results on their first assessment and must retake the Profile, at no additional fee. This happens because some employees intentionally give answers they think will provide desirable results. Others unintentionally exaggerate their answers because they have an exaggerated self-opinion.
4.  Profiles Processed and Winslow Reports Prepared: Reports are immediately available to management when employees have accurate and objective assessment results. There are four versions of the Winslow Reports. The Executive Report contains a Personality Profile displaying the 24 trait scores and a Position Compatibility Form. The Participant's Report is given to the employee for self-knowledge and self-improvement. The Managers Report is given to the immediate manager of each employee. The PCS Summary Form is for HRD or top management. Sample Winslow Reports will be displayed during the demo.
Position Success Profiles
Color-coded overlays present the results of the Position Analysis in a user-friendly format. They are coordinated with the Personality Profiles in all reports and indicate the desirable and undesirable scoring ranges for every behavior relevant to success in each position.

Group Personality Profiles

Composite profiles are prepared for any groups of participants you desire. Group Average and Distribution Profiles enable management to identify the strengths and synergies of groups of personnel, and are valuable in managing groups as teams.

Group Success Profiles

Color-coded overlays are provided for each Group Profile to facilitate comparisons between participants and groups, managers and groups, and one group to another. This component also allows your managers to make correlation between behavior and performance.

Optional Managers' Webinar

For a nominal fee, a Winslow Certified Consultant will conduct a Webinar to introduce your managers to the program. This orientation will provide your managers with the knowledge and confidence to utilize the program effectively.

Optional Post-assessment Webinar

For a nominal fee, a Winslow Certified Consultant will conduct a Webinar for all your participants. This orientation will enhance the participant's self-knowledge and enable them to obtain maximum benefit from the feedback and suggestions presented in their Winslow Reports.


You must be convinced The Winslow Reports can assist you in hiring the best available participant for any position in your organization, or you may return all materials within ninety days and your total fees will be refunded.
Applicant Selection For Future Employees
The same Winslow Assessment System should be utilized by your organization to assist in hiring the best available applicant for every one of your positions. The personality, behavior and attitudes of applicants will be assessed and Winslow Reports available to the hiring manager. The Reports will accurately predict the employees' probability of success in specific positions.


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